If you have any other fundraising suggestions we would be delighted to hear from you.  


You need the support of an abseiling/climbing club and local authority permission.  Some abseiling clubs run regular charity events where you sponsorship money is split between their chosen charity and your chosen charity.  It is normally done in town, the club will have all the safety equipment and will arrange the venue.

Home-made produce sale: 

This is not just for cakes and cookies but can include preserves, guess the weight of the cake competition, tombola and refreshments.


This can be held at lunchtime or in the evening.  It can be held in a private garden or hired grounds (the latter will need a budget).  Sell tickets in advance.

Bike ride/sponsored walk: 

You will need to work out a safe route, undertake a health and safety check and arrange insurance.  


You might have a local Bingo hall will arrange a charity evening for you.

Car wash: 

Ask your company if you can do a car wash in their car park, you will probably have to take the day as annual leave.  They may even be happy to help.

Cheese and wine evening: 

If possible get local suppliers to provide some of the cheese and wine, if they have enough space in their shop they may even arrange the evening for you, alternatively hold a larger event in a local hall.  Sell tickets in advance.  

Coffee morning: 

Invite friends to a cakes and coffee morning.  This could be combined with a book sale, perhaps friends will donate books.

Cricket match: 

Organise a friendly cricket match, asking players to raise sponsorship per run scored or wicket taken.

Darts tournament:

Charge an entry fee for a knock out tournament; encourage local pubs or clubs to organise teams.